Tori Amos - Little EarthquakesA couple weeks ago, I saw Tori Amos in a nice, sit-down venue here in Denver. Nearly as notable as the extremely good performance was the people-watching: the general crowd vibe can only be described as Lilith Fair-ass. Particularly the universally goateed dudes sprinkled through the crowd.
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Circuit des Yeux - Reaching for IndigoThe first time I saw Circuit des Yeux, she was howling and writhing all over the stage in a small Irish pub in Raleigh. It was completely disruptive to the otherwise tranquil Friday night scene, and one of the more impressive shows that I had seen in some time.
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Lau Nau - NukkuuI was about to write about this album, one of my all-time favorites, when I realized that I already had, just about a year ago when I first started expanding from interviews to essays. I was pleased to see that I was worse at it then than I am now; I hope this piece's archival/anthropological value outweighs the slight quality dropoff..
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Bibio - Phantom BrickworksYou know that movie trope where a character experiences some sort of dissociation or great trauma, expressed through a slow-motion shot of them walking among a crowd with either silence or totally indiscernible sound? A bit like this. Walking around listening to Phantom Brickworks is a guaranteed shortcut to that sensation. The loops, slow and ambient as hell, are at once massively spacious and just present enough to drown out any outside stimuli.
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Tyler, the Creator - Flower BoyI'd semi-intentionally avoided the last several Tyler, the Creator albums, but people have been so over the moon about this that I had to check it out. A negative: Tyler's voice and delivery are so distinctive that it's virtually impossible to separate this from his prior work (a problem if you haven't been a diehard throughout). A positive: this thing is legitimately good.
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King Krule - THE OOZMany of my King Krule thoughts made it into the only TMT review that I've been fully satisfied with, but the lad simply won't stop releasing music. I wasn't sure that I was ready to write about this, but I just walked home in an awful mix of wind and light snow and it has suddenly become quite relatable. King Krule's is a sound that evokes a very specific unease, one which may very well exist only in his own mind, colored by whatever wretched filter exists between him and the rest of the world.
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